well--now lets see.
i cut any remaining contact with the cult in 1981. within 5 years my growing kids cut all contact with me.
the youngest--son--now age 42--ive not seen since. i dont know anything about him--but i think he has a family of his own--which ive never met..dont know their names etc.
the oldest--my daughter---now 49--i did speak to face to face 5 years ago--to implore her to visit her grand-dad ( my father )--a faithful dub till he died the following year. she never did--i presume she shunned him because i was in close contact with him --i was all he had. ( she lived less than a mile away from him.) She has 4 daughters--ive never met any of them.
the middle one--my older son--now 44 was d/fd about 10 years back. we have a good-close--normal father and son relationship. however his own mother ( my first wife ) shuns him totally--no contact at all. shes never met his 5 year old boy--her grandchild. theres another on the way soon.
this is entirely the fault of the watchtower shunning policy--exacerbated by the control freaks that blindly follow its rules.